Thank You!
Well, I am humbled by the tremendous support of Division 6 and will strive to be a
good County Councillor for our communities and our region.
Thank you!
To Mr. Fleetwood, thank you for your service these past four years. You have my
respect. I wish your family and you well, and appreciate your significant
commitment to the success of Vulcan County. I hope to work with you in other
endeavours for the sake of Alberta’s future.
As for the next four years, I look forward to working with a very dynamic group as
we tackle the challenges ahead of us. Congratulations to Jodie Gateman and Shane
Cockwill on winning your division races.
My website will remain as a tool for me to use in communicating with ratepayers. I
appreciate the conversations that I have enjoyed with you. There will be many more,
this I am sure. I look forward to helping navigate our way forward and will rely on
you for your input.
Christopher Northcott