September 21, 2021, Statement
I decided to run for Division 6 County Councillor against an incumbent who has served us well.
Had the pleasure of speaking with Ryan Fleetwood on Saturday, shortly after he got home from hospital, and I am thankful that he is at home and recovering. Newly married, with a beautiful family, he loves Alberta, his rural roots, and I have witnessed first hand the positive contribution he has made to council discussions and the committees on which he sits. Being prior to Monday’s federal election result , we agreed that elections can be a healthy antidote to cynicism; I am hopeful that this will be the case here. Looking forward to some very interesting conversations over the next four weeks.
My motivation for running is my belief in the importance of limited local government and inter-municipal collaboration, not only as a means to promote community growth and economic development in rural Alberta, but as the best way to keep municipal corporations responsive to the needs of ratepayers while respecting the significant differences between urban and rural municipalities. I am running on my experience in local government and, if nothing else, I hope to get people thinking about the strategic direction of our County and what meaningful collaboration will mean for rural ratepayers.
Fortunately, however the vote goes on October 18th, I believe Division 6 will get good quality representation.
Stay tuned.